From June 13 to 15, 2019, Žilina hosted partners of international project „EUFin: Innovative integrated tools for financial literacy education across Europe”. 28 participants from 5 European countries – Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Estonia and Slovakia – took part in the second transnational project meeting. The project team of the University of Žilina, in cooperation with the Slovak Chamber of Commerce, the Regional Chamber in Žilina and the Business Academy, Veľká okružná Žilina, prepared a meeting at the University of Žilina. During the meeting led by Prof. Dr. Oliver Holz of the Leuven Catholic University in Belgium, the first project results, including a questionnaire survey on the level of financial literacy of secondary school pupils and teachers, and a descriptive and comparative analysis of financial literacy education in each country were presented. As a result of the team discussions, the participants divided their tasks into several project activities – the creation of curriculum, didactical materials for secondary schools, website and dissemination of results. A joint supper and informal conversations completed a fruitful transnational meeting.
For more information on Erasmus + projects, please visit www.erasmusplus.sk
For more information about project EUFin, please visit: www.eufin.org
→ Druhé stretnutie projektu EUFin v Žiline